Primary & Remote Diagnostic Viewer Technology
IntriVIEW® offers state-of-the-art medical imaging technology, enabling instant access to diagnostic grade images and reports on a variety of computers and mobile devices. The remote reporting software provides a secure, centrally managed solution that easily integrates into existing infrastructure and can be deployed as a workstation, web or mobile solution. This non-proprietary viewer allows for an integrated clinical workflow, collaborative viewing sessions and offers a diverse range of image manipulation and viewing possibilities with real-time access to patient images through one consistent and easy-to-use interface.
IntriVIEW® offers quicker access to healthcare information, increases team collaboration and enhances communication among practitioners and patients.
Extended Features
Deployed as a workstation, web or mobile solution
Hanging Protocols
Multi-modality hanging protocols, personalised per user and travelling with user from station to station
Advanced MIP/MPR
View images with advanced MIP/MPR, with slice thickness adjustment, 3D/Slab view and average intensity projection
Users can select from a collection of pre-defined grid layouts to view up to four series at a time on web and two series at a time on a tablet
Support for multiple colour or greyscale monitors and a worklist monitor for easy comparison
Access to Related Studies
Easy access to entire patient history, avoid time-consuming procedures like performing multiple searches and loading studies individually
Extended Non-DICOM Access
Increased access to any file type for a complete view of the patient record
Split-View Mode
View any key images that have been previously saved with a study
Mobile Measurements
Precision measurements on mobile devices, a unique and powerful lens tool for measurements on the go
Total Integration
View complete patient records with seamless access to images
Embedded Voice & Video Collaboration
Enables secure, HIPAA-compliant live collaboration connecting providers to other providers or their patients